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Note: EFFECTIVE March 1, 2025 all external PSW (Personal Support Worker) hires will be required to be registered with
Mar 06, 2025

Completing the Preplacement Health Assessment Forms

Please complete and sign the following sections of the Pre-Placement Health Assessment form and submit to OHSS for review. Once you submit the form you will receive a confirmation email to your SJHC work account with a PDF attachment of your submission. Please retain a copy for your records. You will receive a second notification after OHSS has reviewed and approved it.

Please provide proof of immunity to or receipt of the vaccinations listed as applicable (yellow immunization cards, immigration records, notes from a physician’s office, copies of laboratory reports (titer levels), health unit records and/or other hospital electronic immunization records). You may need to consult your Attending Physician or reach out to your previous employer or school to obtain immunization records and/or laboratory (serology) results for the Required Immunizations part of the form. If you don’t have your own records, take this form to your physician or Public Health unit to complete it in full, and sign.

Please send completed and signed forms, along with proof of vaccination or immunity to:
  • Volunteers – or fax to 519-646-6235.
  • Co-op Students – or fax to 519-646-6235.
  • Sponsored Students – or fax to 519-646-6235 and upload to the NirvSystem.
  • Post-Secondary Students – upload to the NirvSystem.
Red Measles

You require two (2) doses of measles vaccine with the first dose being given on or after your first birthday and the second dose given at least four (4) weeks from the first dose OR provide laboratory evidence of your immunity. Immunization is required for those without immunity.


You require one (1) dose of rubella vaccine, given on or after your first birthday OR provide laboratory evidence of your immunity. Immunization is required for those without immunity.


You require two (2) doses of mumps vaccine with the first dose being given on or after your first birthday and the second dose given at least four (4) weeks from the first dose OR provide laboratory evidence of your immunity. Immunization is required for those without immunity.

Varicella (Chicken pox)

You require two (2) doses of varicella vaccine (e.g. physician’s certificate or vaccination record) OR provide laboratory evidence of your immunity or laboratory confirmation of disease. Immunization is required for those without immunity.

Tuberculosis (TB) Surveillance

You are required to have a baseline two (2) step TB skin test regardless of Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) unless you have documented results of a prior two-step test which can include two (2) individual skin tests done at least one (1) week apart. A single step TB skin test is required if the second step of your last TB skin test was more than 12 months ago, or if there are indications of travel to an area known for high levels of TB or an exposure to someone known or suspected of having TB or symptoms of TB.

The two (2) step TB skin test is normally given as a series of two (2) single TB skin tests repeated between one to four (1-4) weeks apart. However, two (2) individual TB skin tests performed four (4) to 52 weeks apart are also considered acceptable (Canadian Thoracic Society & the Public Health Agency of Canada, 2013).

Tuberculin skin testing should be administered and read before immunization or delayed for at least four (4) weeks after vaccination. Vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines may take place at any time after all steps of tuberculin skin testing have been completed.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have had a live vaccine (Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Chickenpox, Shingles) within four (4) weeks prior to needing a TB skin test, you will not be eligible. A TB skin test may be given on the same day as a live vaccine, but otherwise may not be administered until at least four (4) weeks have elapsed. A delay in the administration of the test will delay your start date.

Tuberculosis Testing Schedule

Occupational Health at St Joseph's will provide TB skin test if you do not have proof. You must be available to come back for the follow-up read or test.

One (1) Step Process

  • Visit 1 - to have your first test
  • Visit 2 - to have your first test read (must be back to the clinic 48 to 72 hours after the first test)

Two (2) Step Process

  • Visit 1 - to have your first test
  • Visit 2 - to have your first test read (must be back to the clinic 48 to 72 hours after the first test)
  • Visit 3 - to have your second test ( given 7-21 days after the first test)
  • Visit 4 - to have your second test read (must be back to the clinic 48 to 72 hours after the second test)

Individuals with Positive TB Skin Tests

You must provide Occupational Health with documentation of chest X-ray taken after the positive TB skin test. If you have a history of a confirmed positive TB test and you have already received counseling or advice concerning prophylactic treatment (Isoniazid), you should provide a copy of your consultation note. Another chest X-ray may be taken if clinically indicated. Chest X-rays will be arranged through Occupational Health.


Vaccination for COVID-19 is recommended for all new hospital employees, volunteers and students. The vaccine is offered via local pharmacies including retail pharmacies at St. Joseph’s.

Occupational Health follows the National Advisory Committee on Immunization recommendations for the administration of COVID-19 vaccine.

TB skin testing should be delayed for at least four (4) weeks after COVID-19 vaccine or live vaccines such as MMR, Varicella, and Yellow Fever. Aside from the COVID-19 vaccine, a TB skin test may be administered on the same day as all other vaccines or within four (4) weeks of a previous non-live vaccine.

Hepatitis B

It is recommended that all health care workers to receive a course of Hepatitis B vaccine. For your protection, it is important to obtain a Hepatitis B titer test following immunization to ensure that you are adequately protected. If you have been vaccinated, please provide laboratory evidence of immunity.

Tetanus/Diphtheria or Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap)

It is recommended that you receive a primary series of Tetanus/Diphtheria vaccine in childhood followed by a routine booster every ten (10) years. You can also receive a one (1) time dose of Tdap, especially if you are providing care to pregnant women and/or children. If you have not already received a primary Tetanus/Diphtheria series, then you require three doses as part of adult primary immunizations. Contact your family physician or Public Health Unit in order to complete your primary series.


It is recommended that you receive the vaccination annually. If you have not received your influenza vaccination, and your start date is occurring during the times of the year when influenza vaccine is offered, (approximately October to March), you can receive influenza vaccination while at work. If you received influenza vaccination in the community during the months of October to March, you must submit proof of influenza vaccination to Occupational Health and Safety.

Where to get Record of Immunization or Vaccinations/Immunizations and Blood Titers
  • Current or past employer - request a copy of your record from the Occupational Health Department.
  • Health care training school program - request a copy of your immunization record from Student Health Services.
    Facilities where you performed volunteer work - request copies of your record.
  • Public Health Department in the school district that you attended - ask for a copy of your vaccination record.
  • Childhood record (often a yellow card or form) from your family doctor or other health care professionals you have received care from i.e., obstetricians, midwives or family physicians.
  • Immigration records provided they are signed by a physician or nurse
  • View your immunization records online by going to Immunization Connect Ontario (ICON) Online System